
An acquaintance's response to this article actually gave me an epiphany moment over this verse: "But you, Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book, until the time of the end. Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.” (Daniel 12:4). We are ALL running to and fro and frantically groping for answers in a supposedly knowledge-rich world.

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There were other incidences which made me suspect Sinovac/Sinopharm to be more toxic than was generally believed. Here is one such alleged incident:


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Jul 8Liked by Dr Mathew Maavak

Let me enlighten you…mRNA does do nefarious things.. within the cell and mitochondria..but the issue of precipitins are being deliberately ignored…

Google precipitins…

First shot.. makes antibodies.. which are then primed to fight anything resembling the first shot to enact a speedier response from immune system.. but if you then give a booster shot within the following weeks..you force the body to make antigens.. these “bind” together to form long chains of proteins.. what do suppose happens when the immune system tries to wrap amyloid plaque round inflamed sections of the circulation..you get impeded circulation… exercise pushes these blobs into each other and cause complete blockage..

This is a circulatory problem caused by precipitins not an mRNA problem which is mainly confined to the internal machinery of the cells… and no threat to circulation..now can you see why it results in sudden rather than slowly… capiche?

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Jul 8Liked by Dr Mathew Maavak

To jab or not to jab with mRNA (Muder Right Now Asia) isn't the question. Anyone rolling up their sleeves to receive kill shots for viruses that don't exist needs their heads tested. At this stage of an advanced death by poison needle eugenics agenda, ignorance is a choice.

Grusome video. Schwab and Gates smile. One less able bodied person to cull.

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Jul 8Liked by Dr Mathew Maavak

Wow Doc. EXCELLENT presentation here. Great format, thorough and well written.

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Thank you.

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