I have a simple, perhaps simplistic, interpretation of the bombing pause. It's based on the following premises, for which I won't argue here.

1. Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians.

2. The WHO has been part of the Convid genocide.

3. No polio virus has ever been shown to exist.

4. Polio is due to poisoning -- in the old days, heavy-metal (arsenic and lead) pesticides and then DDT.

5. Polio vaccines are just poisons.

Thus, my interpretation is that the pause is hardly surprising. Rather, if Israel is pausing a bomb-fueled genocide and is working with the sociopaths at the WHO to vaccinate against "polio," it's because they are varying the means but keeping the end (genocide).

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Sep 2Liked by Dr Mathew Maavak

Exactly. These children will either die slowly of a variety of illnesses induced by the vaccines, or as I suspect, they will at least be sterilised.

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And any of their preceding sickness, a result of being genocided (a much-needed verbal coinage), will be blamed on polio.

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Sep 1Liked by Dr Mathew Maavak

Polio is transmitted bia fecal matter..

IF these conditions had NOT BEEN DEVELOPED there would be NO PROBLEM !!!!!

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Stop the bombs and start the shots. The genocidal horror continues…

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Those are really good connections made here, Matt. Good job.

When is it we decide to STOP vaccinating for a particular pathogen such as polio? chickenpox? Measles (particularly in the US)? Or is it since we created a schedule - and parents/pediatricians are trained - keep poisoning the kids forever?

You're so right: the children in Gaza need food, clean water, hygiene, and SAFETY. Not a polio vaccine. Not any vaccine, for that matter.

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Thanks for the encouragement and feedback, Sherri.

I am very sure Big Pharma will soon contaminate old school antibiotics and a variety of other proven medicines, not to mention our food.

Not a good time to be suffering from any ailment.

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I'm sure some ‘truthers‘ will sell ‘solutions‘ for things that Don't exist which “Sherri, Sherri, baby,“ purports to believe in, like you??

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FAKE ‘viruses‘=FAKE ‘vaccines‘= REAL DEATHS and DISABILITIES 💉☠️💉☠️💉☠️💉☠️💉☠️💉☠️💉☠️💉

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Sep 2·edited Sep 2Liked by Dr Mathew Maavak

They are eugenist and vaccine is their weapon of choice.

Here more about the alleged vaccine


Here something I wrote


Note, though I agree that hamas is the party financed and chosen by the zionists, it was chosen because of its more “at the time” radical religious views, “ which have changed!”, with the prognostic of the settings it up to be the perfect group to be some day defined as terrorist and by it giving israel the alleged right to confront it as a terrorist entity “no rule of war”.

Speaking today with a friend which was in Palestine and working as a humanitarian worker also in Gaza, he told me that actually nowadays hamas is the official government, and in the years in which it has been working in Gaza, it have done much more for the people there than any any other in world’s history.

According to him, Every kid was going to school, the social system was working, hospitals were of European standards, university were working, high rise towers were appearing everywhere and the place was prospering like never before.

One more confirmation of this is the fact that the people of Gaza have not turned on hamas, but instead, they are defending it with their lives.

For the rest, spot on.

Thank you for sharing

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Sep 3·edited Sep 3Author

Then, why is Hamas cooperating with Israel over a polio vaccine? Even the pro-Palestinian lobbies are excited about it.


"The new statement by the Israeli military body responsible for Palestinian civilian affairs said five trucks with special refrigeration equipment for vaccine storage were brought into Gaza on Friday in coordination with the U.N. The vaccines arrived Sunday."

Does this makes sense? Most news outlets are not mentioning who is providing and physically delivering these vaccines.

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Sep 3Liked by Dr Mathew Maavak

The medias are, as you point out, are all bought off and part of the scam.

The hamas have no choice but to accept the narrative, as it is pushed by the UN, and for what I can see, the Palestinian people are so desperate that any type of truce or ceasefire, even if only for a day is to the majority of them better then nothing.

I personally don’t like hamas, nevertheless, it is up to the Palestinian people who they like to elect, and as we know, hamas was elected by them.

Also, hamas which at list till 2011, was as you described, at large an instrument of the zionazis, has undergone lots of changes, and, as my friend pointed out for me, 1, it has managed and built Gaza and provide to its people better then anyone else in history, and 2 it is still favorite among people which are now being slaughtered and which rader die than to sell them out.

About vax in general, if you look at any middle eastern news site, you will see that they are all even more pro vax than the western ones, and that is because they are owned by the west.

News agencies of countries like Turkey , Qatar, Iran, the Saudi, and even Lebanon just to mention a few, are all tools of the wef and are all fully endorsing its agenda.

In my opinion we should concentrate more into demanding for the complete withdrawal of the israelis from Gaza and from the rest of the occupied territories, and for that to happen, arms exports must be halted.

The so called polio outbreak, which for what I am told was deliberately brought to Gaza, is part of the extermination campaign of the eugenist which are still trying to push their who pandemic treaty..

Polio is a poison which many claim to be one of the oldest bioweapon on the planet, for what it is known concocted by infecting people with the so called vaccine in the first place” known to man. gives the world the chance to demand for the withdrawn of the israelis as well as one more evidence

The hamas party is anyhow still an elected political party, and it must be the Palestinian people to decide who is best for them through new elections, till then, it is the legitimate government, and there by, it has the rights to be heard and the UN have the duty to listen too it.

The real terrorist is the who, the UN management and israel.

The hamas party is the scapegoat which the US have “unsuccessfully” tried to have declared as a terrorist organization so that it could go after it as a terrorist, and ignore all laws of war.

With if we like it or not, hams remains the party of the Palestinian people, and only the Palestinian people can choose who they feel is best to protect them.

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I agree with you to a great extent. You can add one more nation to the list of globalist stooges in the Middle East -- Iran. Tehran, like everyone else, played up the Covid-19 hysteria, despite having capable scientists who could have advised them otherwise. Next door Afghanistan, where smugglers couldn't care about "lockdowns", didnt have a Covid-19 crisis in their midst -- despite having the US Army in their midst.

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Sep 3Liked by Dr Mathew Maavak

Sure, the scam was global, though for what is known, Iran was also attacked from the start with the chemical weapon the eugenists of the who called “corona virus”.

Note corona means “crown”.

But then again, I also don’t trust them, just like I am sure that no one which calls him or hr self a wef supporter or member is to be trusted.

I also don’t follow the virus belief, nor I would ever suggest to anyone allopathic poisons.

Gaza is the best example of it, diseases are spread by terrain, not by the viruses.

Here something about true medicine and the scam which brought us to the vaccine and chemically induced diseases


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Thanks. I have rectsacked it for subsequent reading. BTW, in your opinion, which Middle Eastern regime is most subservient to the West? The context is West, not globalists.

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Well, they all are. With exception of Yemen, Syria and Lebanon.

Obviously the most corrupted are oil exporters, as they could close their taps and force countries to comply with the law.

Instead, as we can all see, they are doing the very opposite of that, by lowering the price of oil.

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Sep 2Liked by Dr Mathew Maavak

For months they have been bombing schools and hospitals, resulting in deaths of thousands of children. Now they suddenly care about their welfare?

They want to sterilise the children.

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Aug 31Liked by Dr Mathew Maavak

Clarity has arrived ! Thank you

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Thanks for the kind words.

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Sep 2Liked by Dr Mathew Maavak

Humanitarian 😏

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Sep 8Liked by Dr Mathew Maavak

Pause the killing to do killing and maiming. Super.

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That's the logic of this fallen world.

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Global Inocula Promotions proudly presents, live on stage, representing The World Eugenic’s Forum - Hood, dropping the latest chart-topping sensation “Vaccine Auschwitz!” Industry insiders recognise that the meteoric rise in popularity in StrangeSwab's brand of Jab Gangsta Rap wouldn't have been possible without the backing of The Virus Lie Label.

Ladies and gentlemen, let’s give it up for Rap’s Great Reset: Dr.StrangeSwab!!

[The crowd erupts into wild cheers as DJ RUN mRNA drops beats so heavy they spike the very foundations of the studio. Dr. StrangeSwab plunges in with the vial-cals, delivering a mix of humour and menace with his trademark Bond villain-esque German tone]

♪♪ “Diversity! (Pause) Equity! (Pause) Inclusion! (Pause) Just words of decorum,

From a depopulation villain (Single Scratch) at the World Eugenics Forum!

Apartheid! (Pause) South Africa! (Pause) Good things don’t last long-

Except my tech transfers (Double Scratch) that birthed their nuclear BOMB!! (Skilful scratching medley)

My mentor’s a real humdinger (Pause) Master depopulator (Double Scratch) Henry Kissinger!

Laos! (Pause) Cambodia! (Pause) Vietnam! (Pause)

Henry’s Top Gangsta’ (Double Scratch) at culling the Asian man!

(Skilful scratching medley)

Big shoes to fill but (Pause) I'll steal the show

(Audience: Show! Yo!! Yo!!)

8 billion people to cull (Pause) got miles to go

(Miles to go! Yo!! Yo!!)

Henrys watching on (Pause) with a frown (Pause)

I promised him (Double Scratch) to get zose numbers down!!

(Skilful scratching medley)

COVID jabs (Double Scratch) toxic effects too slow (Pause)

Let’s see what these two teams can do (Pause) on this pandemic show!!

Avian Avengers and (Pause) Primate Panic- (Double scratch)

Lets go to work on (Pause) zee culling magic!!

(Skilful scratching medley)

Pluck it!* (Pause) Banana boost!** (Pause) The magic potion (Double scratch)

To get dear Henry’s depopulation (Pause) back in motion!!

I can help (Pause) got the right pedigree! (Pause)

My father was high in (Pause) zee Nazi Party!! (Skilful scratching medley)

Goosestep! (Single scratch) in lockstep!! (Double scratch)

Trimming zee herd (Pause) requires prep! (Double scratch)

No objections! (Pause) No lame excuses! (Pause)

All board to the (Audience Screams) ‘VACCINE’ AUSCHWITZ!!

(Skilful scratching medley)

Wanna be a billionaire? (Pause) You gotta be bold! (Pause)

My legacy’s a nightmare! (Pause) But the profits are gold! (Double scratch)

So, grab your needles! (Single scratch) Get! get ya’ potions ready!

Everybody dance (Pause) to the beat of (Pause) this eugenics medley!

(Skilful scratching medley)

Let me hear you cheer for the (Pause) population’s end (Double scratch)

This show ain’t just about winning but (Pause) how low we can descend (Pause)

No protests! (Single scratch) no delay- (Double scratch)

We’re on the path to (Pause) a ‘bright’ new day!!

So, teams (Single scratch) let’s get the (Audience) CULLING UNDERWAY!!”♪♪

*Team Avian Avengers ‘vaccine’ for ‘birdy flu’

**Team Primate Panic’s ‘vaccine’ for Monkeybollox

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It has been said that certain polio vaxxine induced a lack of selfconfidence, faith etc as side effects.

So some imagined a vax to get that effect on radicalised people…

I dont remember names but a little search on the subject…

What we know since Epstein/Gates are the clandestine vaxx operations in Africa/Haïti etc (not sex)

which? What kind of? stérilisation for sure.

Je Epszein was a Cia asset @ Dynport/ Dyncorp…

Not only but also as a armdealer as a gobetween A Kashogi/ White House…

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Thanks for the feedback. Here is the video you may be looking for:


Vaccines can cause autism, ADHD etc, so naturally they diminish confidence and critical thinking. Individuals within the autism spectrum also latch on to a pet topic with an obsession bordering on the maniacally religious. So yes, in that context, vaccines can affect one's faith. If it alters DNA, then things get worse.

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oh nice, many thanks👍🏼

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Sep 4·edited Sep 4

Gates is a menace to society as all psychopaths are. I would suggest that Epstein Island should be used as an offshore prison for these types of people. At least they can abuse each other to their minds delight and nobody would care.

Israel is not committing ethnic cleansing or genocide as many assert. Take the Gaza population 2,106,745 (as of 2021) and calculate the guess of 40 000 deaths (all cause mortality) as a percentage =1,89% ) That is trivial in comparison to the genocide of Rwandan Genocide 800,000 people or that of COVID Government Democide in the millions.

They Israel are having to rid themselves of their creation which is their right after that creation attacked Israel like a rabid dog on Oct7 2023, and have never stopped these attacks since 2007.

They created Hamas and they should be allowed to dispose or destroy every last one of them. Children are of course being used as pawns by the evil Hamas demon. They are so disgraceful they use women and the elderly too as human shields.

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