May 22Liked by Dr Mathew Maavak

So thankful you wrote about this Dr. Maavak!

Good ole’ Alice, Bailey, and Lucius trust… I believe Lucius trust was down on Broadway in the city years ago. My dad, God bless his soul, told me the story long ago,and I’ll never forget it. His disdain for the UN goes back to the 40’s before I was born…He always said there was a nefarious aspect to it. As a child I really didn’t understand the whole story… later on not only did he have a distain for the UN and Lucius trust but they also took our family home down to build the UN over in the Turtle Bay section of NYC. They also took down the beautiful church, St. Boniface which was built by immigrants to the city years before. The UN said they needed that land too and wanted this gorgeous cathedral like church taken down. Robert Moses obliged them. So many in that neighborhood were upset… not only their homes, but their church & school were demolished. To this day that land was never used. It sits as an empty park with a few benches & a few trees…. My dad would always say the UN is not what it appears to be.. Now we see in years later, this has come to pass…just think of who is in charge of the top three positions in the UN. The UN might as well just come out and say Lucifer trust. And what about the room in the UN, the room where the big black slab of granite or some type of stone, is supposedly a sacred place to pray… the question becomes to pray to whom? It certainly is the antithesis of a chapel.I have mentioned this to a few people who would always say, no that can’t be, the UN & Lucis trust & people couldn’t think anything negative about the UN.. They would say the UN is such a good organization. Strike that… their behavior proves different… they are behind many nefarious acts…I would not be surprised if all of these military age people coming across our border darned their little blue & white UN uniforms when activated & become a

“Peace keeping force”here in the U.S. which would be an absolute joke. See the UN for what it is. The UN cannot & should not be trusted.

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Thanks for providing a historical backdrop to the UN's physical establishment in NY. It's a pity to see landmarks destroyed to satisfy this diabolical entity.

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May 22Liked by Dr Mathew Maavak

Interesting article. In my studies from a scriptural perspective I have identified the UN and WHO to be satanic agencies. This article is another layer of truth/evidence.

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They are very obviously satanic indeed!

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May 23·edited May 23Liked by Dr Mathew Maavak

They are the theosophical society,

The theosophical society is a masonic scam, a group of so called intellectuals selected to go after religions and cults of venerations to destroy their history and myths and rewrite their new and false history to favor a one world governance under the masonic symbols of the UN “which by the way means non or going against “ example undoing, unfit, unable, unconventional, unreasonable……..

I wrote much about this scam in my books, but they are unedited versions and behind a pay wall for now.

Here the real Devil or “the weal” .


Welcome to the light.


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May 22Liked by Dr Mathew Maavak

Thank you for this. The more who see it can be praying. My Father knew the U.N. was bad also, from its inception. It angered him to no end, and he always supported what he thought were honest politicians, back when there still may have been some, decades ago. I still wonder about his sudden onset aggressive esophageal cancer, as I've heard that they can "silence people" that way. Combined prayers are in order. No wonder the Bible says pray without ceasing...they probably do also. Makes me sick.

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Hi Crystal. Keep the faith. Hope your father recovers soon.

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Unfortunately, you make judgements on something you haven't researched properly. I agree that the UN has been appropriated by dark forces to a significant degree, but that seems to be what always happens to anything promoting God's plan. Take Christianity, for example. How did Christ's teachings of love turn into the Spanish Inquisition? The UN still has many souls working for the good of humanity in conflict with others working to thwart those very goals. Things are not a simple as you make them out to be.

If you study the works of Alice Bailey published by Lucis Trust you will find nothing but the promotion of love, understanding, international cooperation and the evolution of human consciousness to a level where the Kingdom of God can manifest on earth.

From day one, the Lucis Trust's main purpose has been to serve the Christ as head of the Spiritual Hierarchy of the planet. I suggest you devote a little more effort to researching a subject before passing judgement.

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Ditto to Lyn's comment. Many Christian fundamentalists or evangelicals have woven a mythology around the writings of Alice A. Bailey, resulting in a very crystallised and distorted viewpoint. The United Nations is the hope of Humanity but has been corrupted and infiltrated by materialistic forces.

As a long term student of the writings of Blavatsky and Bailey, I recently wrote an essay for Christians that unpacks and explains how some terminology and phrases have been misinterpreted and misunderstood.

Of course, some people will "believe what they want to believe" and no reasonable argument can penetrate fiercely held beliefs - that needs an enemy to project upon. But if you are a reasonable and reflective thinker, then please take the time to read this essay:

The “Lucifer” Word in Theosophical Teachings (https://tinyurl.com/yum24s6k)

Some content from the essay below:

The “Lucifer” Word in Theosophical Teachings


__Fundamentalism and the Esoteric

__HPB and Theosophy

__AAB follows HPB: Lucifer Publishing

__The “New World Order” Phrase

__Steps Towards the New World Order” Quote

The WEF, Lucis Trust and the Cycle of Conferences

__Lucis Trust’s Alignment with Other Institutions

__The Cycle of Conferences

__The United Nations

__The Need for Differentiation

__Hitler, Schwab and Nazism

__Use of the Word “Aryan”

__The Horoscope of Lucis Trust

__ Lucis Trust (1922) Transits and Progressions 2024

Addendum 1: Weblinks to theosophy, HPB, AAB etc.

Addendum 2: HPB on “Satan” and its connection to “Lucifer”.

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One more little thing, Christian fundamentalists are no better than radical Muslims, this kind of work for the radicalizing the fundamental Christians they’re giving Christianity a bad name living in a fantasy world forgetting what it’s all about to be Christians. They are danger to this nation just like any radicalized religious Zel it is to any nation there’s a huge moral hazard with this kind of stuff.

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This kind of work gives me caution because the Christian fundamentalist are already weaving fantasy into reality. The historical context of the starting of the United Nations is one thing, but trying to put it together with a satanic cult is near fantasy and conjecture. There’s absolutely zero proof even within this article, people are living in a fantasy world fighting things they can’t see and real action is not being taken. There’s a little bit of rights. We have left through the constitution. Practical solutions to the problems we are put to the wayside when the fundamental Christians turn this stuff into fantasy world , that does two things makes people throw up their hands and say we can’t fight this or the opposite marginalizes the real problem. This kind of journalism just feeds that fire.

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I had a recent thought that the whole movement to welcome the Anti-Christ or the Messiah, is like a Cargo Cult -

And when you study up on the Annunaki sky-gods, through the historians that tell us the stories of the Sumerian texts, the Annunaki told us they were an alien race from the 12th planet and they came to earth and created mankind by inserting some of their DNA into homo-erectus to create homo-sapiens, and then bred humans as a slave race and established monarchies to rule over them - the source of the Crown Monarchy Doctrines, totalitarianism, and slavery.

These aliens came from above - 'heaven' and they were so powerful with such amazing technology that humans worshiped them as sky-gods, because they flew to the heavens in 'chariots of fire' - read spaceships!!!!

They left the earth after their king of the gods sent us the Great Flood to drown humanity out because we kept rebelling and disobeying the 'laws of Gods' that made us SLAVES!!!! This king of the gods was known as Enlil, a warrior god, who the Israelites called Yaweh!!!!!

But Noah and his family were given the task of repopulating the earth, and this tribe was to be the (evil) God's 'chosen people' to rule over the earth and humanity as kings.

And through the millennium the human kings kept the secrets of the Annunaki in their Mystery Religions - think Babylon, and remember the word 'mystery' means 'hidden.'

They kept the truth about the Origins of Man hidden so they could rule.

The Annunaki left the planet but said they'd be back. Hence the descendants of the useful idiots of these whacko aliens who came to our planet and took a FREE SPECIES and enslaved us by fiddling with us, are all acting out a bloody CARGO CULT waiting for their nasty God to descend from the heavens again.

Well when he and his merry band of aliens gets here, we should all do what our ancestors failed to do and kill the bloody lot of them and be rid of their cursed monarchial system of evil.

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