Aug 9Liked by Dr Mathew Maavak

The most complete summary of todays reality i have encountered last 5 years of this ofensive upon humanity.!


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Wow. That's a big compliment. Thanks.

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Aug 9Liked by Dr Mathew Maavak


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Aug 9Liked by Dr Mathew Maavak

Are you familiar with Douglas Reed’s β€œThe Controversy of Zion”?

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No. I am not familiar with it.

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Aug 10Β·edited Aug 10Liked by Dr Mathew Maavak

The book is a must-read from a British journalist who lived through both World Wars and saw things clearly, tracing the history of Jewish influence from ancient to modern times. Here's an online edition with audio for each chapter and links to a cross-reference database:


"The political and military operations of two world wars have been diverted to promote the Zionist ambition and the life and treasure of the West have been poured out in support of it. Forty years of continuous bloodshed in Palestine have obviously been but the prelude to what is yet to come there. *Any third world war may begin and spread outward from Palestine*, and if one were to start elsewhere it would in its course foreseeably revolve around the ambition of Zion, which will not be fulfilled until a much greater area in the Middle East has been conquered, 'other Gods' have been thrown down, and 'all nations' have been enslaved." -- Douglas Reed, "The Controversy of Zion" (1956), chapter 13

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Thanks. It seems like a must-read work. Already bookmarked it.

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Aug 9Liked by Dr Mathew Maavak

Excellent summary of what we face. Its worth mentioning the enemy within the West - freemasonry, whose Kabbalists are also committed to building the third temple.

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I will be touching on Freemasonry soon.

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"Masonry is a Jewish institution whose history, degrees, charges, passwords, and explanations are Jewish from the beginning to the end, with the exception of only one by-degree and a few words in the obligation... It is impossible to be well posted in Masonry without having a Jewish teacher…”

-- Rabbi Isaac M. Wise, leader of the Reform sect, in The Israelite, 03-Aug-1855, pg. 28

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I have already titled a draft commentary which will touch on the relationship between modern Judaism and freemasonry. This quote will come in handy. Thanks.

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Aug 10Β·edited Aug 10Liked by Dr Mathew Maavak

Here's a direct link to the source, from the Isaac Wise archives. Note that rabbi Wise himself was a mason, and his "Reform" sect is now the largest Jewish sect in America:


See also the eye-opening article "The Jews and Masonry in the US" by a Jewish historian, which documents the connections between the synagogues and the lodges in early America:


"The leading figure among the Jews in connection with early Masonry in the United States was Moses Michael Hays... He was appointed Deputy Inspector General of Masonry for North America by Henry Andrew Francken...with the view of establishing the Scottish Rite in America. Power was given to Hays to appoint others with like powers...[and] under this authority he appointed several Deputy Inspectors General of Masonry for various States...

Our earliest reference to a Jewish Mason in South Carolina is to [slave trader] Isaac Da Costa... A 'Sublime Lodge of Perfection' was organized by him in Charleston in February, 1783, he being then Deputy Inspector General of Masonry under appointment from Moses M. Hays... Masonry and the synagogue were connected in 1793 at the laying of the corner-stone of the new synagogue of the Beth Elohim Congregation...

The Supreme Council of the 33d Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, said to be the first Supreme Council known, and being a transformation of the former 'Rite of Perfection' was organized at Charleston, on May 30, 1801..."

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Aug 11Liked by Dr Mathew Maavak

Please do because I know it has a lot to do with our current situation. Thanks so so much.

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Aug 9Liked by Dr Mathew Maavak

Counterfeit Jews? Reminds me of when transgender became a trend. Since Satan knew he cannot create gender, he could only convince men they can become women and women they can become men. The end results are messy and detrimental to real women.

Then you have the Hebrew Roots Movement. And recently, you have transracial/Race-Change-To-Another trending on TikTok! β€˜Turning Japanese’ used to be a silly song, but it’s now what so many youths want to be because of the trend!

What if youths decide to transition to Hebrew? We would have counterfeit Jews aside from counterfeit Asians. Satan cannot create ethnicities but he can counterfeit them by using social media and people who hate themselves.

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Aug 10Liked by Dr Mathew Maavak

A pleasure to read a clear, concise and well supported argumentπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

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Thank you!

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Aug 10Liked by Dr Mathew Maavak

Well written, well put together very cohesive. Thank you for this post! As far as the ark of the covenant…look up Dr Hovind ark found. This may interest you quite a bit.

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Will do. Thanks.

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Aug 8Liked by Dr Mathew Maavak

Wow! Thank you SO MUCH for this excellent information, and linking the videos of what they envision. Clarified a lot of things for me, and why others are calling T-rump a savior (and expect to be beamed up by a Sirius Alpha Omega 13 ship. And Med beds that are coming that advertise: Envision a future where your DNA is re-calibrated, your molecular structure harmonized and your consciousness expanded. UH OH. Might I call this the false christ consciousness? They think they need it to be able to ascend). I wonder if they, or Ambassador Trump or whatever royal title they will give him, will introduce an "alien" from Sirius, or Pleiadean...Sananda, or ? Galactic or Cosmic Council, etc.? There are many mentioned. Only supposing, among so many delusions out there.

i appreciate your linking to scripture to make it so clear. Very grateful--you write so well! Prayers for blessings and more to share and see the real truths, found in the only Word of Truth...The Bible. I look forward to future articles.

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You are welcome and thanks for the kind encouragement.

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Even biblical scholars are uncertain about the urim and thummim, what they were or how they functioned to determine God's will. Some think they were objects or stones on the ephod that lit up. They weren't in use after the Babylonian exile.

So, I guess they'd serve perfectly for deceiving the people today, as nefarious rulers could fashion them to be whatever they want them to be.

If you're a believer today, you have the Holy Spirit inside you to guide you into all truth, as long as you listen to Him and obey.

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Exactly. How did they work? We do not know. I suppose an "ancient scroll", describing its workings, would be "discovered" just in time in the near-future.

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Everything seems correct except the fact that Khazar theory is junk. Elhaik's science is incorrect and Koestler was a maniac/psychopath, why would anyone believe what he said - he got his wife to kill herself when he was dying ffs! Koestler even said he wrote 13th tribe as a work of jewish apologetics.

Think about it! Are only Ashkenazi jews into usury and other vile practices? Nah! All who are riding the babylonian talmud, openly or secretly -> Sephardic jews - ALL the cryptos in Europe and USA - Chinese jews - Turkish jews - AND ALL subverted monarchies...

And there are many more telling signs that Khazar theory is used to divert attention and confuse people....

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