Apr 24Liked by Dr Mathew Maavak

As I started reading the paragraphs, I thought it sounded 'obvious points', nothing new from an individual; so when you reveal its ChatGPT, that reveals why.

The AI inventors think the accumulation of algorithms, and 'information' is like being 'god'.

Notes from Jay Dyer video:-

Thinkers through history believed in linear progress of rational apprehension of nature will transcend man. ‘rational apprehension of knowledge’: Yuval Noah Harari argues that the only thing which exists is information, and to process and cypher. See book ‘Homo Deus’.

How much can we process? Harari believes if we are upgraded, we will be ontologically in a higher state. (Gnosticism, part of their post-evolutionary philosophy). Transhumanism is a new religious movement; despite atheism and rationalists.


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Absolutely. I had referenced Harari and Homo Deus several times in other commentaries.

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