Covid-19: When nations conspired against their citizens — Part 1
The globalist totem pole was in danger of collapsing and a 'pandemic' appeared as the optimal solution
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A little over five years ago, a global "pandemic" was engineered to complete the final stages of a New World Order (NWO). Covid-19 was supposed to usher in a state of prolonged global crisis until the Great Reset of 2030 was achieved.
The Case for a ‘Pandemic’
Why did the movers and shakers of the world deem the pandemic a necessity? To answer that question, visualize our global systems as a totem pole of misaligned rocks that extended to the skies, with the structure incongruously held together by the superglue of falsehoods and scientific voodoo. That glue could no longer prop up the ridiculous structure and a "New Normal" was contrived to explain away the systemic imbalances in our societies.
In this brave new world, traditional expectations of fundamental securities — ranging from jobs, pensions, healthcare, food, education etc — were a thing of the past. In lieu of these fundamental pillars of social security, our global elites were tirelessly working to help us "reimagine the future." The reality however was the diametric opposite: corruption, incompetence and cluelessness had permeated every sector in every nation, foreshadowing the biblical fate of houses built on sand (Matthew 7:24-27). This was a world destined for an almighty collapse!
Our nations, governments, industries et al were rapidly losing their long-term viability. Politicians, intellectuals and an assortment of "experts" were routinely exposed to be nothing but credentialed buffoons. Sooner or later, the globalist totem pole would collapse, crushing the very movers and shakers at the apex who had designed and profited from its rotten structure. The 0.001% of humanity — you can add as many zeros after the decimal point and still be factually correct — were becoming richer at an astonishing rate while the rest of mankind were being systematically disenfranchised. Without an ingenious solution to control restive populations and accelerate mankind's disempowerment at the same time, universal entropy and anarchy would have been inevitable.
The solution should result in a permanent division of mankind into a tiny "indispensable" category and a majority "disposable" class. This was the unvarnished manifesto of the Georgia Guidestones which was mysteriously taken down during the pandemic. Every engineered crisis should expedite the goals of the Guidestones. As Forbes noted in a Jan 17, 2024 report titled Could Elon Musk become world's first trillionaire?:
While the world’s five richest men have more than doubled their fortunes from $405 billion to $869 billion since 2020, "nearly five billion people have been made poorer" since the pandemic, according to Oxfam, which estimated that it could take 229 years to eradicate the scourge of poverty. (Emphasis added).
Sooner or later, this scheme would have resulted in social chaos and mayhem on a planetary scale. The elites foresaw this spectre decades ago and the Great Reset was formulated to engineer a "soft landing."
A witches brew of distractions such as Climate Change and Sustainability; Technological Innovation and the Fourth Industrial Revolution; Economic Inequality and Inclusive Growth; Global Health and Pandemic Preparedness; and Geopolitical Stability and Global Governance ad nauseum was engineered by a consortium of globalist entities fronted by the World Economic Forum (WEF), various UN agencies and philanthropic organizations.
Did the average man benefit from these multi-billion dollar initiatives? As billionaire eugenicist and population-control freak Bill Gates himself admitted: His $10 billion investments in various global health initiatives — undertaken via a variety of institutional shills — ultimately yielded $200 billion in returns over a span of 20 years. That is a 20-to-1 return on investment (ROI). Ironically at the same time, affordable healthcare became increasingly inaccessible for much of humanity.
The real goal of the Beast System is to enslave mankind. A Big Lie was the only ingredient missing from the witches brew. It should reset societies and maintain elite grips on the levers of power.
Covid-19 was that Big Lie. It was perpetuated under the veneer, gravitas and alleged neutrality of "independent" institutions such as the World Health Organization (WHO), "prestigious" medical research institutions and, of course, their billionaire backers. Nation after nation, leader after leader fell in with this Big Lie. They had no other choice. They were groomed and promoted for this express purpose. The very few who exposed the Big Lie ended up paying the ultimate price.
An Old Gameplan for International Control
A global pandemic was naturally the most cost-effective route to centralised global governance. Unlike wars, manufactured natural calamities (i.e. weather warfare), terrorism etc., a pandemic would leave all global infrastructure intact, along with a pacified population living in perpetual fear of getting "infected." The possibility of mass riotings would be nipped in the bud if sufficient numbers of people succumbed to a virus within a short timeframe. Even skeptics would turn into believers overnight once death began to visit every housing or apartment block. The sight of black body bags being carted out by emergency healthcare personnel in full biosecurity gear would dispel all lingering suspicions.
That was probably the original plan anyway!
The cardinal superpower, driven by the age-old motto of Novus Ordo Seclorum (New Order for the Ages) would naturally be entrusted to execute this diabolical plan. This may be the reason why the US government was allowed to establish over 400 biowarfare labs worldwide by the time the Sars Cov-2 virus was unleashed in Wuhan, China, in November/December 2019. These facilities were not established overnight; instead, it took decades of coercion to persuade nations to host them under the pretext of "disease prevention research," conducted by laboratories tied to various branches of the US military
One such facility was the US Naval Medical Research Unit Two (NAMRU-2) which was established in Oca Point, Guam in 1945 under the guidance of the Rockefeller Foundation. Some reports date its establishment to 1944 — before WW2 ended!
The unit’s command was later based in Taipei, Taiwan (1955); Manila, Philippines (1979); Jakarta, Indonesia (1991); and Singapore (2013 - present). Later renamed NAMRU INDO PACIFIC, it was ostensibly charged to "study infectious diseases of potential military significance in Asia." According to its official website:
NAMRU INDO PACIFIC has a current “hub and spoke” concept of operations. This model allows the scientific portfolio to shift as needed to align with host nation and sponsor priorities while simultaneously maintaining health security objectives. From a headquarters "hub" in Singapore, laboratory-based biosurveillance and R&D projects take place across Asia and Oceania. NAMRU-2 is subordinate to the Naval Medical Research Command (NMRC) in Silver Spring, Maryland, U.S., which in turn reports to Naval Medical Forces Pacific (NMFP) and the Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED). NAMRU INDO PACIFIC operates in the USINDOPACOM Area of Responsibility and is under the authority of the respective U.S. ambassadors in Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. NAMRU INDO PACIFIC collaborates with partners in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Australia, Papua New Guinea, Mongolia, and the United States. (Emphasis added).
If this isn’t a clear hint of US biowarfare activities in its de facto Indo-Pacific colonies, I don't know what is. I wonder if various outbreaks in Malaysia and Singapore in recent memory can be attributed to the stellar performance of NAMRU-2’s world class pandemic-prevention initiatives? These included the Nipah virus outbreak (1998–1999); Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease (HFMD) epidemic (2000); Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) outbreak (2003); Dengue Fever epidemics (2005 and 2013); and of course, COVID-19.
Just what did Singapore gain from its role as a "hub" for these regional "disease prevention" activities? Unlike Bill Gates, it certainly did not get a 20-to-1 ROI for its economy. Its pension funds are in dire straits and its de facto role as the Indo-Pacific WEF hub has predictably led to runaway wealth inequality.
There was however one nation which had pushed back against US biowarfare designs in the region and that was Indonesia. Following a sustained public outcry, Jakarta was forced to shut down its resident NAMRU-2 facility sometime between 2008 and 2010 as it was deemed a "threat to Indonesia's sovereignty." It was subsequently revealed that the US government had even demanded diplomatic immunity for its NAMRU-2 US staff when the facility was operational. If standard transparency and biosecurity protocols were in place, why was diplomatic immunity necessary?
This episode made national headlines across Indonesia for a season and was duly picked up by several independent writers abroad. Yet their reports were largely buried by mainstream global media, search engines, and various social media platforms.
The Indonesian NAMRU facility was subsequently relocated to Hawaii and Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The US government however was not through with Indonesia yet as its vast archipelago was seen as an ideal "reservoir of emerging infectious diseases."
According to an Al Mayadeen report dated May 27, 2022:
In April, the Indonesian news outlet Detik revealed a story regarding a clandestine US plan to gather human blood and rabid dog samples during the 2016 Pacific Partnership exercise in Padang, West Sumatra.
According to documents obtained by reporters, American naval surgeons performed operations on local patients onboard the hospital ship USNS Mercy and transported three rabid canines from West Sumatra without the consent of the Indonesian Health Ministry. Padang health officials also told Detik that the Americans sought to collect dengue fever virus samples from local mosquitos. (Emphasis added).
The original Detik reports do not appear on search engines anymore. No surprises there!
Global Trojan Horses
Apart from conducting the euphemistic "gain-of-function research", US military labs worldwide double-up as resident, biological weapons of mass destruction (WMD). The message behind their presence is clear: Either a nation complies or it will have a major public health crisis on its hands. After all, the US military, in concert with the Rockefeller Foundation, had been conducting regular pathogenic experimentations on humans, including children, since at least 1902.
Hardly any leader would dare expose the ticking US viral timebombs they had allowed into their respective nations. Even dictators like Muammar Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein remained silent when the end approached. They could have gone out with an almighty bang by unleashing a barrage of truth bombs. But what if they were complicit in these activities at one time or the other? Only time will tell.
Cuba’s Fidel Castro, on the other hand, was a notable exception to this universal pusillanimity. During the 1960s and 70s, he had routinely accused the United States of engaging in acts of biological sabotage. (The US military had earlier unleashed anthrax, plague, and cholera on Korean and Chinese populations during the 1950-53 Korean War).
Castro’s accusations included claims that the US governments had introduced diseases such as swine fever, dengue fever, and tobacco mold to cripple Cuban public health and agriculture. US-funded "health programs" — likely carried out by UN-affiliated agencies — were also suspected of being official covers for intelligence-gathering operations, including the gathering of vital biological data for military or economic exploitation. For details of these alleged plots, I recommend the reader to download a revelatory paper titled The US Biological and Chemical Aggression Against Cuba in 1963–1996 by Cuban neuroscientist Prof Jose Luis Hernandez Caceres.
Castro’s constant biowarfare allegations against the US government had also made him a target for elimination on no fewer than 638 separate occasions. Here is a revealing excerpt from a Sputnik report dated Oct 27, 2017:
Over the course of his 49-year-long reign (1959-2008), Fabian Escalante, retired chief of Cuban counterintelligence, estimates the agency (CIA) targeted him (Castro) on no fewer than 638 separate occasions: 38 times under President Dwight Eisenhower, 42 under John F. Kennedy, 72 under Lyndon B. Johnson, 184 under Richard Nixon, 64 under Jimmy Carter, 197 under Ronald Reagan, 16 under George H. W. Bush and 21 under Bill Clinton. (Parenthesis added).
In terms of assassination attempts, this transcends the concept of "overkill." Not even Adolf Hitler faced such relentless assassination attempts, despite the Allies having successfully broken multiple German diplomatic and military codes during WW2.
These attempts on Castro coincidentally eased once Justin Trudeau, the putative illegitimate son of the Cuban leader, began to ascend the political ladder in Canada. Trudeau’s crackpot version of socialism would have embarrassed his alleged biological father but then again, Canada’s political script was probably ghost-written by the WEF anyway.
The overall picture presented thus far raises another pertinent question: What was the Soviet Union doing when the US military was establishing an unusual number of biowarfare facilities worldwide ? Surely, this self-styled champion of the oppressed global proletariat would have matched Castros’ allegations with additional hard evidence gleaned by their own intelligence networks. So, why didn’t they?
To address that question, one must explore the "Beast System," which gave rise to the complex conditions that led to WW2 and the subsequent formation of the United Nations and the post-war global order. It would take voluminous write-ups to describe the dark forces and primary players behind the emergence of the Beast System. For the time being, however, allow me to recap a brief history of modern biological warfare.
Unit 731 and its US Iterations
Unit 731 was a covert biological and chemical warfare research and development unit of the Imperial Japanese Army during WW2. It was infamous for conducting inhumane experiments on prisoners, including vivisection and testing of biological weapons, primarily in occupied China. Victims of this unit’s live experiments allegedly included US, British, Australian, and Soviet prisoners of war. Nazi Germany likewise conducted similar experiments on its prisoners during the same period. Dr Josef Mengele remains the poster child of this brand of evil and rather tellingly, he was never captured and punished for his heinous crimes.
The current buzz over a Nuremberg 2.0 trial, following the COVID-19 fiasco, can be traced to laws instituted in the aftermath of WW2. Involuntary human experimentations were thereafter classified as a crime against humanity, and the updated laws were likely based on the Geneva Protocol of 1925. Nonetheless, hypocrisy and double-standards were rife at the original Nuremberg trials as the United States had expediently granted blanket immunity to members of Unit 731 as well as a select number of high-ranking Nazi doctors.
The Soviets likewise handed out light sentences to members of Unit 731 during 1949 Khabarovsk war crimes trials in exchange for vital biowarfare data.
Fast forward to the present era, the Russian government has been uncharacteristically muted over the origins of COVID-19. One notable exception was the former head of the Russian military’s Radiological, Chemical, and Biological Defense (RCBD) unit, Lt. Gen. Igor Kirillov. As I had long anticipated, his bluntness ultimately cost him his life under the most ridiculous of circumstances.
Kirillov’s possession of incriminating documents — allegedly captured during Russia’s military operation in Ukraine — constituted a Pandora’s Box which the United States wanted to remain sealed. President-elect Donald J. Trump & Co were apparently willing to make territorial concessions in Ukraine as a quid pro quo to keep those documents buried. However, Kirillov’s allegations had already resuscitated long-buried reports of similar US biowarfare activities elsewhere, namely the NAMRU-2 facility in Indonesia.
Unit 731 lives on with American managers in charge. Cries of "Shut down the bio-labs!", such as the ones heard outside the US military base in Yongsan, South Korea in 2022, will only result in strategic detours and intensified national subversion. Indonesia is a case in point.
Between 2010 and late 2019, after the NAMRU-2 facility was shut down and before the onset of COVID-19, Indonesia was subtly and attritionally reduced to a WEF colony through a multi-pronged strategy. A new generation of bureaucrats, "experts", start-up whizzkids and politicians were groomed to parrot the Anglo-American curated globalist line. Various United Nations agencies and its affiliates played the role of "world class" institutional consultants towards this end. In the end, Indonesia ended up having one of the strictest COVID-19 regimes in the world. As Revelation 13:4 forewarned us long ago: "Who is like the beast, and who can fight against it?"
The Indonesian saga also indirectly revealed something else: The US government was willing to expend untold resources to establish and maintain its overseas biowarfare empire at the expense of its industries and products. As long as it was free to create new mutant virus strains across the world, China could decimate anything Made-in-America. In return for Beijing’s reticence of course!
This is yet another reason why the Make America Great Again (MAGA) pledge is destined to become nothing more than a Big Fat Lie. Its failure will be reinforced by the recriminatory gridlocks of the US uniparty system, a political hydra that thrives on division and distraction.
One cardinal goal of the coronapsychosis was to engineer the greatest wealth transfer in history; one where the rich could loot whatever scraps the middle class and poor still possessed. This would have been immediately followed by a centralised technocratic and totalitarian world government system.
But a spanner was thrown into the COVID-19 machinery. This theme will be covered in Part 2.
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Excellent reporting! Thank you.
Learning about the bio-weapons' labs in Singapore, is a bit of a shocker, but it makes sense And so does calling the SEAsian countries "US colonies".
The efforts of the US--which is in competition with the Chinese, according to a number of expats--to undermine the governments, is becoming well known.
A wonderful former marine turned investigative journalist who lives in Bangkok, is Brian Berletic. Here is an article he wrote last November:
And his x page:
Happy New Year Dr. Maavak